Dr. Rosenlicht provides diagnostic and treatment services for a wide variety of Psychiatric disorders.
These include:
To offer more personalized and confidential care, Dr. Rosenlicht is not on any HMO or PPO insurance panels. By maintaining neutrality, Dr. Rosenlicht is able to maintain the utmost in
confidentiality and maximize treatment options.
A crucial element of Dr. Rosenlicht's professional philosophy is that he assiduously avoids conflicts of interest or any situation that could compromise his ability to offer you the absolute best
care possible. For an in-depth look at how industry marketing and conflicts of interest can influence psychiatric care, see his article: "Listening
to Profits”.
For a more technical examination of how marketing interests can hijack research and mislead clinical practice, and an example of his work in Evidence Based Medicine, see Dr. Rosenlicht's
collaborative critical review:
"Aripiprazole In the Maintenance of Bipolar Disorder".